

as days turn over
and more time separates
me from me then
pieces of you seem to shed off
as rotten petals on the pavement
as winter gives way to spring
i claim my own new beginning
one less car model i recognize
one more pay-per-view i miss
and more and more of me
fills the gaps between
who i was and where you
bled into me


daily skin

rise from the dying bed, stagnant waif, don't be consumed by your own rot.
dress in your daily skin now; slip on once more this button-on body.
step to the mirror now; swallow the image you see. she looks like you -
like flagellation may look like one's worship - but blind, bloodless as daylight.
you're used to this by now - feeling the sickening grasp of passion devoid.
wearing your borrowed shaped, dragging this carcass another pale day through,
you can only think, "how did I get to now?" drifting between raw ache and veiled apathy.
you should go now - serve him his pound of flesh, once more be consumed.